Cose conmigo una falda midi que se adapta perfectamente a tu cuerpo

Las únicas prendas que se adaptan perfectamente a las medidas de una persona son las que están hechas a medida donde...

patron de costura bolso tote pocket con cremallera y forro

Patrón tote bag. Tutorial en tres partes

Patrones de bolsos de tela hechos a mano paso a paso. Desde que estoy en el mundo de los patrones digitales...

video tutorial costura caida con doble carga

How to sew a double load drop seam

In the fourth installment of the seams library I am going to explain what the double-loaded fallen seam is...

video tutorial costura francesa

How to Sew a French Seam

In this new tutorial I am going to explain step by step how to sew a French seam. This seam is used a lot...

video tutorial costura basica con cordon envivado

Basic sewing with cord

We continue with the videos from our sewing library. In this next tutorial I will explain step by step how...

video tutorial costura bies escondido

How to sew a hidden or edging bias

With this publication we begin a series of tutorials in which we are going to explain step by step how to do...